Stink bugs- the harbinger of Springtime in Colorado! This week- water bottles are on sale! Get them while your favorite color is still in stock!
Our crew has been busy- Andrea went fatbike racing in Leadville and followed it up with turkey hunting. Kenny is testing out a new EXT shock on his e-moto and blowing the ass-end out of brakes, and Matt is enduro-ing and contemplating e-wheelbarrows with Kenny.
New Shit:
Listener Questions:
It's a speed run this week because Andrea is recording remotely from Leadvelo Bicicasa, where she's working the pre Leadville 100 Race rush. This...
This week, Matt is selling lots of stuff and moving lots of rocks. Kenny rode bikes and worked on his moto, and Andrea worked...
First off- we have a mailing address now! You can send mail here: Just Riding Along Outdoor MediaP.O. Box 82Howard, CO 81233This is on...