Welcome to a thrownback from 10 years ago! Amazingly enough, the bike parts have changed, but the advice hasn't. The sound on this one is a little echo-y since at the time, we recorded ourselves sitting around a single microphone at a kitchen table. It's still got all the JRA you crave, though.
In this episode, the crew makes a pretty amazing prediction when it comes to fork lockouts followed by paying the Wolftooth tax, advice on 1x10 chainline and gearing selection, Andrea's gravel racing plans, and how Kenny lost a KOM.
Don't forget to pre-order your JRA Shirts! https://www.justridingalongshow.com/s/shop We took the week off. So, here's your chance to get to know Andrea a little...
Kenny is off doing Kenny stuff this week, so Andrea and Matt go at it alone. They kick it off by discussing Matt's new...
Here is a link to everything JRA: JRA Linktree Matt wanted to call this the "Euro" episode because Eurobike is happening right now. BUT,...