This week, Matt bought an old Land Rover, cut part of his finger off, and is prepping for his first deer hunt. Andrea talks about why you shouldn't have a garden near aspen or cottonwood trees, lost another GoPro, was gifted wine, and shouts out to Wingnut packs. Kenny went for a ride and not much else.
New Shit:
Carbon Wasp 3d Printed titanium Pinion cranks
Listener Questions:
Host Nuggets: Matt: Still didn't enduro Andrea: Back in action, forgot to save 162 Kenny: Switchback Bonk Listener Questions: Which Esker Should I buy...
This week, Andrea and Matt are recovering from their Covid experience. Andrea has been driveway camping, Matt is shopping new wheels again, and Kenny...
Matt forgot how to introduce the show this week, and hilarity ensues. This week, Matt built a new bike for someone other than himself,...